About me:

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently a college student majoring in Asian Studies, with a focus in Korea. I find asian culture very fascinating, and want to learn about the history/cultural aspects and how it differs from that of American culture. This interest also extends to that of Japanese culture, as I am a huge fan of anime. Somewhere along the way, I learned I really enjoy painting, and to earn some extra money for college I decided to sell my artwork. Because of my special interest in asian culture, majority of my artwork is some form of anime. Although I also do original work as well. I am only an amateur artist/painter and have just begun my experience with creating art, but plan on continuing down this path and expanding my work one day. My current goal is to simply make art that people will enjoy, while having fun creating it! 

I have previously sold my paintings at 2016's Anime USA, 2017's Cecil Con, and 2018's Animore.

I am currently selling my work on Etsy.com, and you can visit my shop at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SarahSailorScout

If you have any questions and would like to contact me, you can do so at: androidsarahg@gmail.com.

Thank you so much for visiting my portfolio, I hope you see something you like!

Have a lovely day,


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